
If you’re following along on oursummer trip to Canada,查看first post in this series covering the trip segment from Raleigh to Philadelphia和the second post covering our参观纽约市。这这次旅行报告的第三部分涵盖了定居在我们在蒙特利尔的公寓。在我们旅行报告的第四部分中,我在蒙特利尔进行了观光。



Driving was a pain at times since the frequent work zones and road closures required detouring constantly. I quickly learned that “barre” meant “closed” in French. Orange signs were plastered all over with that unfortunate phrase. We had GPS on my phone, and the streets run generally on a north/south and east/west grid pattern, so navigating wasn’t that hard even with the detours. Just tedious at times.

一般的交通还不错,因为我们倾向于错过高峰时间。在路边停车场,市区核心外面有很多,相对便宜或免费。我认为$ 3/小时是我看到的街道停车最昂贵的,而$ 1/hr是典型的。我什至在蒙特利尔市中心找到了一个免费的地方!我们还几次停在市中心的地面上,为全天停车费用了10美元或12美元。


This may be a summer thing (we were in Montreal in July) but bicyclists were EVERYWHERE. We had 3 young kids in tow, so renting a bike for the day wasn’t very practical however it looks like an easy way to get around. The cost was $7 per day, and you could pick up and drop off your bike at one of the hundreds or maybe thousands of bike rental racks around the city.


We had no problem finding a huge variety of restaurants around Montreal. Asian and middle eastern cuisines were very common in addition to the North American staples of sandwiches and pizza. We chose “Le Roi du Wonton” (The King of Wonton), a hole in the wall Chinese restaurant, for lunch one day. I was the only non-Asian person in the entire restaurant, so that says something about the authenticity. We each tried different dishes like beef lo mein, beef stir fry, wonton soup, and roasted chicken. The older lady running the restaurant brought us some homemade butter cookies on the house.


旺顿国王-Le Roi du Wonton
Wonton国王 - Le Roi du Wonton



Saint Joseph’s Oratory of Mont Royal.
Saint Patrick’s Basilica
大教堂 - 玛丽·雷恩·杜·蒙德

大教堂玛丽·雷恩·杜·蒙德(Marie Reine du Monde)或玛丽(Mary),世界皇后大教堂。


蒙特利尔植物园(Jardin Botanique)绝对值得一游。整个家庭的入场费为50美元,包括进入邻近的昆虫。停车是额外的12美元,但我跳过了这一点,将家人放在售票亭,开车几个街区,在附近的附近街道上停车,步行约5-10分钟。


Jardin Botanique-植物园。中国花园。
Jardin Botanique – Botanical Gardens. Chinese garden.
Botanical Garden resting area
Botanical Garden resting area. Some knocked out kids of mine.
Thousands of colorful beetles at the Insectarium (part of the Botanical Garden).
Thousands of colorful beetles at the Insectarium (part of the Botanical Garden).

On our last day in Montreal we decided to take it easy and pass the day at parks near our apartment that we had driven by but never stopped to enjoy. The goal of the day was to do as little as possible. Mission accomplished!

Fontaine公园距离我们的公寓一英里处。我们选择开车去公园而不是步行。那是个错误。由于公路工作和由此产生的交通拥堵而绕道而行,再加上一条路的街道和停车限制,这意味着我们花了很长时间到达公园,我们仍然不得不从停车场步行。方丹公园(Fontaine Park)是一个美丽的城市公园,在南侧提供了一个带有喷泉的小湖泊,并在南侧的步行道上。在北侧,孩子们喜欢在一些不同的游乐场上玩。如果他们会换衣服,他们可能会溅入涉水的游泳池和喷雾地面。我们在湖边选择了一个阴凉的地方,散布着野餐毯,并在牛排三明治上用餐。结束我们在蒙特利尔逗留的好方法!

parc la fontaine
parc la fontaine


parc compagnons-de-saint-laurent
parc compagnons-de-saint-laurent。Just around the corner from our apartment.


We visited the Redpath Museum at McGill University. It’s free and open to the public. It felt a little like Indiana Jones stocked it with his personal finds while traversing the jungle. The museum itself is worth a visit for a couple of hours. It offers a comprehensive exhibit of rocks and gemstones from around the world (my daughter’s favorite exhibit). Walking around McGill University itself is a treat with all the substantial and imposing stone buildings lining grassy courtyards.


在游览旧城区时,我们在市政厅大楼(称为“酒店de Ville”)停留,该大楼每天在几个固定的时间段内提供免费的游览。这次巡回演出在市议会会议厅开始,然后进入后阳台,在那里我们看到了1600年代原始城墙的基础。

韦尔酒店 - 市政厅


让 - 塔隆市场提供了各种新鲜水果和蔬菜。在周末很忙,但是在一周中,我们没有看到任何人群。我们停下来抓住一些农产品,发现市场外面的人类旋转木马整洁。

View from St. Joseph’s Oratory




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  1. 我真的很喜欢阅读您最近的旅行和蒙特利尔的评论,听起来像是夏天的一个可爱的地方。这是我在不久的将来参观的地方清单,我同意您的观点,即在70年代的温度下,将NC夏季暖气留给NC Summer Heat听起来很棒!

  2. It looks lovely! We went via Montreal on our recent trip but we only stayed there for just over an hour so didn’t have chance to explore. Thanks for sharing your travels with us

  3. 很棒的帖子,我们期待着几年后去加拿大旅行,您给了我们一些很棒的想法。希望家人一切都好,因为您让我们不得不缩短旅行!请尽快发布第5部分!

  4. 我从未去过蒙特利尔,但您的照片让我想到了巴黎!(去看 - 那里有巨大的法国影响力)。看起来很可爱,让我想参观这座城市 - 夏季或冬天!

    1. 是的,它看起来很像我见过的巴黎照片。魁北克城的外观更加欧洲。不需要支付跨大陆飞机Tix而坐在狭窄的座椅上10个小时的情况下,可以品尝欧洲的好方法。



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